
The Emotional Connection Between Humans and Their Beloved Kitties – Taylor, Harrison, and Captain

Love wraps itself up in many different packages. Even though Harrison (Taylor’s boyfriend at the time and now husband) wasn’t an animal lover and was highly allergic, loving Taylor was a packaged deal and included her dog. In the fall of 2014, everything changed when Taylor convinced Harrison to visit Williamson County Animal Center with her to “look at puppies” one rainy Sunday. In reality, Taylor had her heart set on adopting a black female kitten.

While visiting the shelter Taylor managed to convince reluctant Harrison to check out the kitten room. Both were overwhelmed with the number of kittens in the kitten room. Moments later Harrison connected the dots and realized they weren’t at the shelter to “look at puppies” and began to get a little impatient and sneezy. After holding a few black kittens Taylor asked Harrison which one he liked. After looking at many of the kittens the couple kept going back to a litter of  4 black and white males, all with “D” names. One kitten, in particular, won the couple over. Immediately upon opening the kittens’ cage Dixon ran to towards Taylor and Harrison and latched on. Harrison who had never previously held a cat was stunned the little kitten was lavishing him with so much attention and said, “If we HAVE to get one, we might as well get this crazy one.” Even though the kitten had an upper respiratory infection (very common with shelter kittens and cats), the couple decided to take him home and minutes later they were filling out adoption paperwork. When they returned to the kitten room to collect the fearless kitten they found the little kitten climbing on the heads of another couple. Harrison quickly grabbed the cat, said “that’s my cat” and thus began a special bond between the two.

Due to his fearless nature, Dixon was quickly renamed Captain, which proved to be the perfect name for the kitten. Because Captain had an upper respiratory infection medicine had to be given. Like humans who are sick Captain didn’t have much of an appetite. During this time Harrison monitored Captain’s eating habits closely. On the day when Captain finally starting eating his food Harrison excitedly called Taylor to report the good news. Surprised and thrilled Taylor knew that Captain had truly won Harrison over for good!

Captain and Harrison developed an emotional bond that cannot be broken. Captain was Harrison’s first official pet, and the first pet the couple adopted together. He was even mentioned in their wedding vows and  had his own Instagram account. As far as allergies were concerned Harrison received allergy shots on a regular basis and never had any health issues. In addition to being loved by his humans, Captain was well received by his two, giant dog siblings who even let him be the leader of the pack. 

Unfortunately, I’m sorry to report this story has a sad ending. Captain was recently run over and crossed over to the rainbow bridge. Both Taylor and Harrison are heartbroken Captain’s life was cut so short. He will always occupy a special place in their hearts. They  are so grateful for every moment shared with him and thank WCAC for their beloved buddy.

I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to meet and photograh Taylor, Harrison and Captain. Their story is a reminder to all of us to not take those whom we love for granted, to love with all our hearts, and to know life can be all to short. So give a kiss and cuddle to all the furry loves in your life and please consider supporting your local shelter and rescue. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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